Alright, it looks like we all got here to the new domain. I must say, migrating a blog is not for the faint of heart. Some harrowing moments there and still a few things not quite working, but it’s close.
If you are a subscriber, you may have received an email this morning that listed the last whole bunch of recent posts as new. I guess Feedburner thinks they are new. In any case, if everything worked, the links should have brought you here. If there is anything wrong with your subscription– if you didn’t get notified of this post, if the links took you to the old site, anything — let me know in comments here.
I still haven’t figured out how to set up the 301 redirect at the other end, so if you have bookmarks and links to the old site or specific posts, they’re still going to take you over there. I’ll get that sorted out.
Meanwhile, just to show how happy we are at getting here in (mostly) one piece, let’s join some wild foxes jumping on a trampoline!
And don’t worry, I’ll be back with some real blog posts just as soon as I know this site is ready to go.
So let’s see if I’ve got this right: if I could read the post about the switch, everything worked okay. But if I didn’t get it, and therefore can’t read it, I should let you know. Is there a logic gate there that didn’t trip right?
Thanks for the notice, Kim.
Congrats – looks like it worked! When I migrated from Blogger to WordPress it was a nightmare. Still fixing links in previous blog posts….
Bill, it’s physics. Go back and watch the foxes. It will all become clear.
Sarah, I used a Move WordPress plugin that only partially worked, but well enough that it reformatted all the internal links correctly for me. Then I had to manually move the reformatted database and all the images via ftp. A person should get hazard pay for this stuff.
I guess if you have a bouncy pounce, like a fox, it makes sense to practice it on a trampoline with a good friend spotting you…